Everybody has, at some point, or another, had a regret or two. Even if they’ve had one and then managed to process it in a healthy manner and, let it go. The fact is, it still happened and, there’s every chance that the same mistake won’t be made again. When it comes to hiring a lawyer, or not, there are some really important factors to consider or, you could end up carrying some of these burdens with you for some time;
Arriving at court, only to realise that your counterpart has some back up.
The Internet is littered with posts and information/sob stories of people who didn’t hire a lawyer because they didn’t consider that their counterpart might have pulled out all the stops and hired not only a lawyer, but a good one. As a general rule of thumb, unless you are an expert in any particular area of anything, you are likely to come up short when it comes to getting results.
Uninspected evidence
There are a couple of unfortunate examples here, the first one is; Not hiring a lawyer and being presented with some unexpected evidence that you have no idea how to respond to. Usually, people will either freeze up and not say anything or, go into defensive mode. Neither are something you want to try with a judge.
The other example is about a client that hired a lawyer but they were not completely open and honest about their situation which ended in disaster because, even the best family lawyer in Parramatta would find it difficult to defend something that came from nowhere yet could have been easily avoided. Whatever your choices might be, be open and honest even if it pains you to the core.
A lawyer has experience
Some people who have ‘gone at it alone’ have, either ended up with large fines to pay, court orders against them, or being sentenced to a period of time in an institution of some kind. One person likened the experience to riding a bike for the very first time, without stabilizers or brakes!
The fact is that, no matter who you choose, a lawyer of any note will have been through the process before numerous times and knows what to say, when to say it. It may sound like a completely alien concept but, some lawyers may say that you’d get a better deal if you pleaded guilty, even if you’re not.